Nashville, TN-(April 7, 2020)-Amid the current Covid-19 crises, millions of Americans are out of work, and folks in the entertainment business were some of the first to lose their jobs. As the entire music business model has changed over the years with the rise of the digital age, artists these days for the most part rely solely on touring to make a living for themselves. While artists are scrambling to try and survive financially with their primary source of income on an indefinite pause, we as music lovers and supporters are seeing a lot of Facebook concerts as these artists try and help us emotionally get through this awful situation we are all facing. They continue to give to us while their own wells run dry because, well…that’s what they do. That’s what music does. It gives us, it provides us, and as most folks will not hesitate to admit, it sometimes saves us. Texas has long been a mecca for touring artists, and one of its own is making an attempt to provide some kind of financial assistance to his music brothers and sisters. Stewart Mann of the blues/rock band Statesboro Revue has just released a new song “ Sinner, Saint, S.O.B.” Mann had no plans to release this song until the current crises hit and he realized that maybe, just maybe, he could play some part in an effort to help. The song features one of Texas’ biggest names, Wade Bowen, and 100% of the proceeds from downloads will be donated to I Heart Texas Arts, an initiative that will filter funds to those Texas artists who are most in need. The song is available on all music platforms. So, hey folks…it’s only $1.29. Go and download the song, and let’s give back to those who continue to give to us. Music artists in need can contact Stewart Mann directly for more information at info@ihearttexasarts.com.
A message from Stewart Mann via Facebook:
“ We had no intention of releasing this song yet, but under the circumstances, with so many of my talented and hardworking friends out of work due to Covid-19, anything and everything must be done to help those in need. Please help us spread the word, and let’s show the world that despite every one of is having a little sinner, a little saint, and a little S.O.B. in us, we ALL care about each other and we’re all after one thing…happiness. Every purchase might help put a little food on some tables, pay off some rent, and take care of those folks spend their lives entertaining people. Now more than ever, we need your help. Special thanks to Wade Bowen, Mason Lively, and my 3 year old son Conlee for singing on this.”
Mann explains the origins of this song and help he hopes it can generate:
“ The song kind of came out of nowhere. I hadn’t been writing much and didn’t have any of the lyrics or melodies just lying around in my voice memos. I just started thinking about how successful Parker and Koe had become, and how they appeared to come from two completely different backgrounds, and it just started taking shape and organically came together. I wrote it as a duet, with those two knuckleheads in mind. They both came from two completely different backgrounds, with more than likely different motivating factors that drive their success.
When we decided Statesboro was going to record it, because it was written as a duet, Wade was the first person I thought about asking. I have been a huge fan of his since the West 84 days, have always loved his voice, and he’s about as good of a human being as you can find. He came into the studio, knocked out his verse in about 5 minutes, and then left like a thief in the night!
As for raising money for Texas musicians, as you can imagine, this hits home for me and I almost can’t think or talk about it without tearing up. I’ve been blessed and fortunate enough to be a part of the Texas music scene for a very long time. The most beautiful thing about this scene is that everyone is accepted no matter how you look, sound, write, or play. From day one, as a 21 year old singing/songwriting hack, I always felt like I belonged and that no matter where my talent level fell on the Texas music totem pole that I was accepted. The artists and musicians in this scene play so many benefits and we help out so many people and majority of the time ask for nothing in return. It is that heart and soul and compassion that drives this scene and makes it so special.
With the coronavirus wiping out the music industry and so many musicians livelihoods, it is also important to note that many musicians are mentally fragile. So with no creative outlet, no fans and friends to interact with, and no income to pay bills, this is a devastating time for many of us and we need help. That is why 100% of the proceeds from our new single, Sinner, Saint, S.O.B., will be going directly back to the musicians that continue to make the Texas music scene a force to be reckoned with.”